Synopsis :

George,a man who has three daughters worka as a servant in the Professor Fikri’s family. George has been left by her wife who wanted to a rich wodower ten years ago. He struggles for himself self and his daughters. He work very hard to make living ang afford his daughter’s education, sometime he works in more than place. He even does not care about his health that is becoming worst day after day. Finally, he is success to bring one of his daughter to study in the no.1 university in the country and successfully become a doctor. Unfortunately,George passed away when his daughter just got her success.

Scene 1 :
In the afternoon, as usual, Professor Fikri is reading a newspaper in the balcony. Then, George bring him a cup of tea, just as usual.

Professor : “Thank you !” (The Professor glances at George). “Are you ok ? You look pale “
George    : “Eeeemm...I’m ok .”
Professor : “No, you are no ok. Have a seat place. Let’s have a talk .”( Professor and George are silent )
Professor : “It has been a long time i don’t see your daughter. Are the ok ?”
George     : “ Yes. They are ok, Sir .”
Professor : “Tasya will have final exam this year, right ?”
George     : “Yes, this is her last year in senior high school .”
Professor : “She studies well,doesn’t she ?”
George     : “Yes. She always becomes the best student in her school.” (smiling. His face show that he is very proud to Tasya )
Professor : “What a great ! She must be received in every best unversity in this country “
George     : (He bows his head,then turn to smile surly)
Professor : “What about your wife ? Have she contaced you ? Is there any news from her ?”
George     : “(Silent, he is shocked by Professor’s question. “ Since she left me,ten years ago to marry rich widower, he never contacs me or her daughters.”
Professor : “ I’m really sorry for making you feel uncomfortable “
George     : “ That’s ok, Professor. I’m alright “ (George smiles bitterly)
Professor : (Give two books to George ). “ Give this red book to Tasya and the green book to
                  Sinta. “( he smiles )
George     : (Receive those books). “ Oh...thank you, Sir. These are exercise books for
                 National Examination. It is new, Sir. I cannot afford to buy it, Sir “ (Give those
                 books back to Professor )
Professor : “ take it. I buy it for them. Hopefully, these book can help your
                   daughters to pass the National Examination .”
From inside the house. Suddenly, Ridho, Professor’s first son,screams loud calling George.
George     : “Oh...Ridho is calling me. Excuseme, Sir “
Professor : “ Yes, please. “ (Professor continue his reading,  George walks away )
Unfortunately, George is late. Ridho is coming to approach him in the balcony.
Ridho       : “ Look !!! What you have done to my blouse. Look at this !!!!! ( Throws the dirty
                   blouse to George )
George    : (Silent.Confuses....)
Ridho       : “ It is expensive, you know ! You cannot afford it “ (push George down )
Geroge    :  “ I am sorry, Ridho. I will try to make it better. I will repair it and clean. I will wash
                   it again “
Ridho       : “ Heh.....( with mad face ) just do the best ! And remember, never do the same
By listening that noise, Michael, Professor’s second  son, and Professor come to them
Michael  : “ Please, stop it sisy .(Help George to stand)
Professor : “Ridho, can you decrease your high pitch voice ?” (Professor is lookked angry. Then, Ridho goes away )
George     : (George so sad. He walks to the washing room by bringing the blouse with him. Then, wash it again)

Scene 2 :
George always back home at six in the afternoon. But, that day after his conversation with Professor Fikri, he doesn’t go home directly. He goes to Mr. Crab’s Restaurant. There, he washes the dishes as a part time job. After finish his duty in there, he goes home. He arrives at home at 10 a.m.
By listening, the sound of the door opened, Tasya runs to her dad.
George    : “ Oh,my angel,why don’t you go to bed yet ?”
Tasya       : ( crying ). “ Dad, where did you go ? You never back home late like this before. I
                 was so worried. I called Professor Fikri,he said you wasn’t there”
George    : ( Just smile )
Tasya       : (Holds her dad’s hands ) “ Oh,look at your hands ! What have you done ? Why is
                 it so cold ?”
George    : ( Just smile ) “ It’s late of night, go to sleep now. You have to go to school
                  tomorrow. Right ?”
Tasya        : “ But...Dad....what ...”
( George walks, leaving Tasya. )
Tasya        : “Dad, i need to say something “
George     : “About what ? Must it be talked right now ? It’s late of night dear “
Tasya        : “ Dad....”
George     : “ Ok, tell me now “ (sitting on the chair )
Tasya        : “ i got an invitation .”
George     : “ Invitation? What kind of invitation ? Is there your friend’s wedding party ?”
Tasya        : “No, Dad. I got an interview invitation from university. I have registered
                    to the university in Jakarta. I have passed the test, and now i will get an
                    interview. What do you think ? Shall i ?”
George     : “ Of course my angel. You shall. This is a great good news “ ( The tears is down
                      from his eyes )
Tasya       : “ But, i won’t leave you, Dad “
George    : “ Listen, this is a good opportunity. We should thanks to God and you have to go.
                     Now, tell me. What faculty will you enter ?”
Tasya        : “ Medical. ( smile and sweep the tears )
George     : “ Ohhh...congratulation. Your dream come true.
Diah comes into the house from the window, she walk to her room. Then, suddenly stops when she realize that her dad  and Tasya is in the same room with her. Geroge  and tasya look in Diah’s face
Diah          : “ Hi, Dad.(sit on the chair). What is this ? (talking to herself) book,
            it new book for Tasya and Sinta ? Wow,,,it must be expensive”
Tasya also sit on the chair near Diah.
George    : “Where are from, Diah ?”( gaze to Diah )
Diah         : “From Bellas’s house. (  talking to Tasya ).Look this National examination book for
                    Senior High School. I guess this for you, sist.”(Diah gives it to Tasya)
Tasya       : (Receiving the book from Diah ). “ Yeah, and this one must be for Sinta. Oh,thank
                  you dad. But, why you are so late ?”
Diah         : “Eeeemmm....doing homework.”
Tasya       : “ So then, where is your book ? I don’t see you bring even a piece of paper.”
Diah         : “Ahhh,stop it,sist. (ignoring Tasya). Where is the thing for my self ? (checking
                   the bags carefully ). Dad ?”
George    : “ Diah, we talk again tomorrow. Ok ? Now, its better for you two....(cough)
Diah         : “ No !....(Dia is jeaolusy. She stands up ) You love me like you do love Sinta
                     and Tasya. Doesn’t you ?”
George    : “ Yes, absolutely sweetheart. Stop saying that so.....”
Diah         : “Ok, then. Now, i want new shoes. My very very old shoes cannot walk with
                    me anymore.”
George    : “ But, sweetheart, i have no money for....”
Diah      : “ Dad, they have got tose expensive new books and i want new shoes. It must
                  be cheaper than those books. Fair ?”
Tasya     : “ Stop talking, Diah . Now, go sleep “
Diah       : “ I won’t. (staring Tasya )What ?”
Tasya     : “ Can’t you see ? Our dad is tired after working a whole day. And you, coming
                  home so late and talking that such impolit words and.....
Diah       : (Plug her ears with her two fingers) “what did you say ?”
Tasya     : “ You !....You even not my father’s....”
George  : “ Silent Tasya !”
Diah       : “ Listen that. Be silent !(Mocking Tasya by put her tongue out )
George  : “ Stop that, Diah. I will finish Mrs.Nuri’s radio tonight. Tommorow, Diah, you
                 sholud give it to Mrs.Nuri’s house and take the money from her. You can have
                the money to buy new shoes. OK ! Now, both of you go to sleep !”
Tasya and Diah say no words, they keep silent and went to thier room. Just do what her Father asks them. While George, he finishing Mrs. Nuri’s radio without having rest after working a whole day and night .

Scene 3 :
Seven years later

In that small house,now George lives only with his two daughters because Tasya had left them to Jakarta. Tasya got scholarship there, in medical faculty. In the beautuful afternoon....
Sinta       : “Dad, you have to take a rest. You look pale. Let me continue sweeping the floor.”
George  : “ I’m ok sweetheart. I can do it.( cough ) Have you finished your homework?”
Sinta       : “ Dad, i think, your cough become worst and worst. We should go to the doctor”
George   : “ No. I’m alright. This is just a cough. I can stay alive and do my activity.”
Sinta      : “ But dad, it will better if you....( suddenly Diah come bringing four bags )
Diah       : “Hellooooo........i’m home. Guess what ?”
Sinta      : “ What ?”
Diah       : “ I buy new clothes for us. Check this ! Emm, and also shoes.”
George  : “ Diah...”
Diah       : “ Yes, Dad. This one for you. Is it nice ?  Oww and look at this Sinta, this is my new bag. You can also borrow it.”
Sinta      : “ What makes you become so feminime like this,sist ? You look so beautiful”
Diah       : “ Oh, thank you. This is the power of love sweetheart. A tomboy girl
                  metamorphosis became a lady. Ohh, what a sweet.”
George  : “ Diah, came here ( Asking Diah to sit beside him ).Why you spent the money
                   for these things ? We have to use the money wisely. For example,  for your
                   study, for our daily needs......”
Diah       : “ Dad, i have to prepare for my graduation next week. I need these all. I need new
                   kebaya, shoes, bag, and all these things. You will know it if only you are study in
                   college like me. “
Sinta       : “ Sist! Watch your mouth “
Diah        : “ What ?”
George   : “ Girls, listen. Your sister, Tasya, work hard in Jakarta to give us better living, no
                    to waste the money, sweetheart.”
George’s cough getting worst, now his cough bleeding. In minutes, he fainted.

Scene 4 :

Tasya work in R.S Pelita Bunda. That evening, her cell phone rings.

Tasya    : “ Hello “
Sinta      : “ He..hel...helllo “
Tasya    : “ What’s happened ? Why your voice ....”
Sinta      : “ Tasya...Dad is hospitalized this evening, his cough is bleeding. Come home sist....”
Tasya     : “ Where is Diah ? I need to talk to her “
Sinta      : “ She is having dinner with her boyfriend “
Tasya    : “ What?”
Sinta     : “ I am alone sist. I’m afraid “
Tasya    : “ Be patient, where is dad ?”
Sinta      : “ Yes, he is here “
Tasya     : “ Give the phone to him “
George  : “ Hello, my sweetheart...”
Tasya      : “ Dad, how are you feeling ?”
George   : “ I’m alright, my angel. Sinta just exaggerates my condition “
Tasya      : “Ok, i’ll back tonight. Maybe i’ll arrive in the morning.”

Ridho, Professor Fikri’s first son that also a brother one of Tasya’s patient, came and cry...

Ridho      : “ Doctor, help Michael. Please.....”
Tasya      : “ Dad, i have to hang the call up. I’ll call you later “
George   : “ Ok,my angel. Listen ! You have to save your patient live. I will be ok “
Tasya      : “ Ok, Dad. I love you “

Noise come from in the end of phone. Just like the phone is falling. Tasya hears Sinta’s scream.

Tasya      : “ Hello, Dad....Sinta....Sinta....What is happened ? Hallo..... Sinta...answer me
                   ( crying ). Dad....”
Ridho      : “ Excusme doctor, please help my brother. His condition is getting worst.
                     Please doctor ( still crying )
Tasya       : “ I have to meet my Father, He is sick. Sorry Ridho, I have to to home.”
Ridho       : “ Please doctor, Michael is my only brother. Doctor, i need your help. Please “
Tasya     : ( Tasya tries to run, he avoids Ridho. But Ridho keep following her and begging
                 her ). Please,i have to meet my only father. Please. Understand me.( Tasya’s phone
                 is ringing)
Tasya     : “ Hello...”
George  : “ Hello sweetheart. I’m ok. Do your duty well,ok ? Promise me “
Tasya      : “ Dad ....”(crying)
George   : “ Love you, my angel. Bye..”( the phone is hung up )
Tasya      : “Hello....Dad, Dad.....”

Tasya look at Ridho who follow her. She stare at Ridho sadly eyes

Ridho      : “Doctor,please.....”
Tasya      : “ Are you Professor Fikri’s son ?”
Ridho      : “Have we meet at past time ?”
Tasya      : “ no. My father work at your father’s house.”
Ridho      : “ Mr. George ? Is he you father ?”
Tasya      : “,where is your brother’s room ?”
Ridho      : “ Follow me “
Tasya      : “ Let’s go to your brother “
Ridho      : “ Ohh...thank you,doctor “

Scene 5:

The next morning ,George insists to go home. She want stay in the hospital. Doctor punished his acult lung cancer, last stadium. In their small house, George sleep unconciously and weakly.
In the mid day, Tasya arrives. She run to George’s room. In that room, Sinta is sitting beside Goerge, crying.

Tasya   :” Dad, here i am . I am coming. Wake up, Dad. Dad...”( Crying and hold her father )
George open his eyes weakly. He smile to her daughter.
George : “ My angel...”( George whispering )
Professor Fikri and his sons come to see George. Then  Professor Fikri sits beside George. George’s condition gets worst and worst. Finally,he dies.....

The End

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